In addition to the core project, these other funded projects have also contributed to eScriptorium:
- Vietnamica (Vietnamese Stelae, printed material and maps), ERC Advanced Grant.
- LectauRep (French Notarial Records), collaboration INRIA – MCC.
- openITI (Open Islamicate Texts Initiative), Mellon grant, University of Maryland and Northeastern University.
- manuscriptologIA (high performance computation cluster), DIM STCN de la Région Ile-de-France, EPHE, IRHT.
- Tikkoun Sofrim (Medieval Hebrew manuscripts of Midrash Tanhuma), PHC Maimonide France- Israel.
- Sofer Mahir (Medieval Hebrew manuscripts of tannaitic treatises, Mishnah, Tosefta, Midreshei Halakha) funded by a private foundation.